Ms. Xu Xinyang “[My father] wanted to hold me, but I was scared and hid behind my mom. I refused to let him... 01-03-2022 | CASI DI PERSECUZIONE
Mr. Chen Teng Chen Teng recounted, "My mother was arrested six times. I was expelled from school when I was just twelve, and... 01-02-2022 | CASI DI PERSECUZIONE
Mother of Chen Ma On May 27, 2020, Chunmei Wang was arrested by Kaiyuan City police for talking to people about Falun Gong and... 12-24-2021 | FAMILY RESCUE
Sister of Wendy Zhao On February 5, 2020, Mr. Xie and his wife, Zhao, were arrested by the police from Guilin Qixing police station... 12-23-2021 | FAMILY RESCUE
Ms. Fuyao Li Fuyao was only 6 years old when her parents disappeared into China’s forced labor camp system for the first time.... 11-17-2021 | CASI DI PERSECUZIONE
Ms. Crystal Chen Room 212 in the Tianhe District Detention Center, Guangzhou City, China, was the scene of Chen’s first experience of torture.... 11-12-2021 | CASI DI PERSECUZIONE
Mr. Guoliang Zhang After the persecution began in 1999, China Southern reassigned Zhang to laundry duty, cut his pay by two-thirds and pressured... 11-12-2021 | CASI DI PERSECUZIONE
Parents of Dr. Sherry Zhang Dr. Sherry Zhang is an elite scientist, principal of a private school, and a veteran practitioner of Falun Dafa. Despite... 08-09-2021 | PERSECUZIONE ESPORTATA IN OCCIDENTE