Mr. Shenli Lin The police escorted Mr. Shenli Lin and his wife hand in hand, down the hall to the top of the... 07-01-2002 | CASI DI PERSECUZIONE
Falun Gong Man Defies Campaign to Strip Citizens of Their Beliefs Kidnapped by security guards from his former work place and sent to a labor camp, a retiree, who was forcibly... 10-29-2001 | CASI PERSONALI
Falun Gong: School Teacher Dead After 200 Days of Torture By Officials Mr. Wang Jinguo was an accomplished and well-loved teacher who tragically died from internal injuries sustained over more than 200... 10-27-2001 | CASI PERSONALI
Grieving Parents Lose Daughter to Persecution of Falun Gong Four days ago, an elderly couple in China went to visit their daughter, Yang Mei, who was being held in... 10-25-2001 | CASI PERSONALI
Elderly Man and Three Other Falun Dafa Practitioners Killed in China Four more Falun Dafa practitioners have tragically died in police custody, including an elderly man, Liu Shiyou, a middle-aged woman... 09-26-2001 | CASI PERSONALI
Five More Falun Gong Practitioners Dead as Reign of Terror Continues in China The Falun Dafa Information Center has received details of and verified the deaths of five more Falun Gong practitioners in... 09-20-2001 | CASI PERSONALI
Torture and Escape Across 8,000 Miles Mr. Tan Yongjie, a 27-year-old factory worker and Falun Gong practitioner, has traveled thousands of miles from China in the... 08-10-2001 | TORTURE