Ms. Sun Shuying A 64-year-old woman was severely tortured, according to her recent harrowing account, and was brought “to the verge of death”... 05-12-2017 | Jack Phillips, The Epoch Times | RAPPORTI INVESTIGATIVI
Mr. Roy Manning From practicing Falun Dafa, Mr. Roy Manning discovered the meaning of life. He became kinder to others and cared less... 05-12-2017 | TORTURE
Ms. Sunny Guo Two years ago, Sunny Guo, a then 47-year-old Chinese housewife, came alone to America to start a new life, one... 05-12-2017 | CASI DI PERSECUZIONE
Mr. Winston Liu "My name is Winston Liu. I work as a computer control engineer at a chemical plant in Wyoming. How I... 02-26-2017 | CASI DI PERSECUZIONE
Mr. Lizhi He Determined to expose the persecution of Falun Gong, Mr. Lizhi He sent letters his colleagues and friends telling them the... 12-07-2016 | VIOLAZIONI DELLE LEGGI CINESI
Dr. Sa Geng For dissiminating truthful information about Falun Gong, Dr. Sa Geng and his wife were brutally tortured. His wife was persecuted... 11-14-2015 | Friends of Falun Gong | CASI DI PERSECUZIONE
Mr. Bu Dongwei (David Bu) Mr. Bu Dongwei (David Bu), was assigned to two-and-a-half years to Re-education through Labour on June 19, 2006, for his... 08-03-2008 | CASI DI PERSECUZIONE
Ms. Li Weixun Instead of relaying the usual announcements, to which all 30,000 employees at the Shengyang Heavy Machine Factory were duty-bound to... 06-08-2007 | CASI DI PERSECUZIONE
Mr. Shenli Lin The police escorted Mr. Shenli Lin and his wife hand in hand, down the hall to the top of the... 07-01-2002 | CASI DI PERSECUZIONE