Mr. Wang Zhen When Wang Zhen takes his daughter to the park, his daughter often asks, “Dad, run with me. Why can't you... 02-28-2021 | CASI DI PERSECUZIONE
Ms. Zuo Xiuwen Elderly, insolvent, widowed — none of these spared Ms. Zuo Xiuwen from abduction, brainwashing and torture at a woman’s prison... 05-06-2020 | CASI DI PERSECUZIONE
Ms. Angel Wang It’s hard to imagine this sweet lady was tortured, almost killed, at the hands of the very people that are... 01-17-2020 | Daniel Cameron | TORTURE
Ms. Liping Yin Hearing Ms. Lin Yiping's story, it's hard to believe she survived. On the brink of death several times, she was... 11-17-2019 | CASI DI PERSECUZIONE
Ms. Yifei Wang Before the persecution began in 1999, the shy yet resilient Ms. Yifei Wang worked as a senior journalist for the... 11-16-2019 | CASI DI PERSECUZIONE
Ms. Zhenping Chen When Falun Gong prisoners of conscience like Ms. Zhenping Chen are rescued from dire situations in China, it’s usually thanks... 11-16-2019 | CASI DI PERSECUZIONE
Mr. Sun Yi While Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Sun Yi was incarcerated in China’s infamous Masanjia forced-labor camp, he began writing SOS letters... 11-16-2019 | CASI DI PERSECUZIONE
Mr. Gang Chen “I would never forget the horrible scene: I lay on my bed, in tears, like a dead fish because of... 10-26-2019 | TORTURE
Ms. Zhu Xiumin Ms. Zhu Xiumin was shocked to find herself pregnant after she ended a five-month hunger strike in protest of the... 12-17-2018 | RAPIMENTI E DETENZIONI
Ms. Helen Chen Helen Chen, 70, never imagined that she’d be living in Northeast Minneapolis. At one point, she didn’t even expect to... 06-08-2017 | Friends of Falun Gong | CASI DI PERSECUZIONE