Jane Dai Fadu Dai

Casi personali

La persecuzione del Falun Gong ha colpito 100 milioni di persone in Cina e ha sconvolto innumerevoli famiglie e comunità in tutto il Paese. Di seguito, diamo uno sguardo al costo umano di questa persecuzione con storie personali e in prima persona di coloro che sono stati uccisi, di coloro che sono sopravvissuti e di coloro che lottano per la libertà degli altri. Queste sono le loro storie…

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La campagna senza precedenti per sabotare Shen Yun ed eliminare il Falun Gong a livello globale del Partito Comunista Cinese

Nell’ultimo anno la repressione transnazionale, portata avanti da decenni dal Partito Comunista Cinese (PCC) nei confronti dei praticanti del Falun Gong fuori dalla Cina, ha preso una piega drammatica. Una persecuzione partita dai vertici Il regime ha lanciato una nuova campagna per screditare la comunità del Falun Gong negli Stati Uniti e sabotare la compagnia...

La madre di Chen Xiao

Chen Xiao non ha più notizie della madre da quando quest’ultima è stata arrestata nel 2020, in quanto praticante del Falun Gong. Riassunto del caso Tan Zezhen – Sesso: Femminile, Età: 76 anni Stato attuale: Detenuta dal 19 dicembre 2020 (durata della pena sconosciuta). Detenzioni precedenti: La signora Tan, insieme alla figlia e al genero,...

Lo Stretto di Taiwan fa la differenza

Separate da circa 160 chilometri, Taiwan e la Cina continentale sono due mondi a parte, quando si tratta di libertà e diritti umani. Mentre a Taipei un’importante transizione democratica ha portato benefici provenienti dai diritti umani, a Pechino, un sistema leninista continua a perseguitare milioni di persone. Non c’è forse esempio migliore del Falun Gong...

Mr. Pan Benyu, Heilongjiang

Mr. Pan Benyu was first arrested soon after the persecution of Falun Gong began in July 1999. He spent most of the next twelve years either in prison, re-education through labor camps or on the run to avoid persecution. Overcome by torture-induced medical problems, he died on July 17, 2011.

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Restaurant Owner Dies from Labor Camp Torture

A 42-year-old owner of a dumpling restaurant in Northeast China died in his home at the end of February, unable to recover from one and half years of physical and mental torture in a Re-education Through Labor (RTL) camp, the Falun Dafa Information Center has learned. His is one of over 400 documented Falun Gong deaths in Liaoning province since 1999.

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Mr. Yu Yungang, 48, Heilongjiang

In February 2009, the 24th Winter Universiade, an international college sporting event was held in Harbin. Ahead of the event, the persecution and abduction of local Falun Gong practitioners increased. Therefore, Mr. Yu Yungang and several other practitioners tried to use small loudspeakers to inform attendees of these abuses. Police detained him along with over 20 practitioners and in July, he was “sentenced” to 8 years in prison. At approximately 3 p.m. on March 1, 2011, Yu reportedly passed out due to torture, and was rushed to the No. 2 hospital affiliated with Jiamusi University. He underwent surgery on his skull, but never recovered and died on March 5, 2011, as police sought to cover-up his case. Yu was 48 years old when he died. He was the second practitioner from Jiamusi prison to die within a span of two weeks.

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Mr. Shi Hongbo, 42, Liaoning

A 42-year-old owner of a dumpling restaurant in Northeast China died in his home at the end of February, unable to recover from one and half years of physical and mental torture in a Re-education Through Labor (RTL) camp, the Falun Dafa Information Center has learned. His is one of over 400 documented Falun Gong deaths in Liaoning province since 1999.

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Mr. Qin Yueming, 47, Heilongjiang

Mr. Qin Yueming was abducted from his home in April 2002. He was severely beaten and tortured on a tiger bench, to the point that his ribs and legs were broken and he was unable to walk. Nevertheless, he was later sentenced to ten years in prison in proceedings whose results were pre-determined by Communist Party officials. He was taken to Jiamusi Prison. On the evening of February 26, 2011, Qin’s wife received a phone call from Jiamusi Prison informing her that Qin had died.

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Ms. Zhu Ying, Henan

Two middle-aged women, from Hunan and Henan provinces, died in late November, within weeks of being abducted by the authorities for practicing Falun Gong, the Falun Dafa Information Center has recently learned.

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