Jane Dai Fadu Dai

Casi personali

La persecuzione del Falun Gong ha colpito 100 milioni di persone in Cina e ha sconvolto innumerevoli famiglie e comunità in tutto il Paese. Di seguito, diamo uno sguardo al costo umano di questa persecuzione con storie personali e in prima persona di coloro che sono stati uccisi, di coloro che sono sopravvissuti e di coloro che lottano per la libertà degli altri. Queste sono le loro storie…

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La campagna senza precedenti per sabotare Shen Yun ed eliminare il Falun Gong a livello globale del Partito Comunista Cinese

Nell’ultimo anno la repressione transnazionale, portata avanti da decenni dal Partito Comunista Cinese (PCC) nei confronti dei praticanti del Falun Gong fuori dalla Cina, ha preso una piega drammatica. Una persecuzione partita dai vertici Il regime ha lanciato una nuova campagna per screditare la comunità del Falun Gong negli Stati Uniti e sabotare la compagnia...

La madre di Chen Xiao

Chen Xiao non ha più notizie della madre da quando quest’ultima è stata arrestata nel 2020, in quanto praticante del Falun Gong. Riassunto del caso Tan Zezhen – Sesso: Femminile, Età: 76 anni Stato attuale: Detenuta dal 19 dicembre 2020 (durata della pena sconosciuta). Detenzioni precedenti: La signora Tan, insieme alla figlia e al genero,...

Lo Stretto di Taiwan fa la differenza

Separate da circa 160 chilometri, Taiwan e la Cina continentale sono due mondi a parte, quando si tratta di libertà e diritti umani. Mentre a Taipei un’importante transizione democratica ha portato benefici provenienti dai diritti umani, a Pechino, un sistema leninista continua a perseguitare milioni di persone. Non c’è forse esempio migliore del Falun Gong...

Ms. Yang Yinqiao, Hebei

During one raid on the home of Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Yang Yinqiao on August 7, Yang mysteriously “fell” from the window of her fifth floor apartment. Police immediately fled the scene, only to return with riot gear when Ms. Yang’s husband came home and found her on the street. He called for emergency medical care, but she was pronounced dead at the scene. Police subsequently cordoned off the street, beating those seeking to get closer, including Yang’s own son.

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Xu Chensheng, 47, Chenzhou

A healthy, middle-aged woman from southern China who practiced Falun Gong died under mysterious circumstances within hours of being abducted off the street by police. With public support from neighbors and friends, family members are attempting to hire an independent pathologist to determine the cause of her death.

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Ms. Zhang Jinghua, 65, Shandong

On October 7, 2011, two men heard Ms. Zhang Jinghua talking about Falun Gong to someone. They intimidated and then chased her to the fourth story of a building from which she then fell under mysterious circumstances. She died several hours later.

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Ms. Wang Chunxiang, 55, Liaoning

Ms. Wang Chunxiang was abducted in October 2006 after a plainclothes police officer followed her home and then found Falun Gong related materials and a printer in her home, after he entered and searched it without a warrant. Soon after, she was sentenced in a sham trial to eight years in a prison camp and was sent to Liaoning Province Women’s Prison. Over the next five years, her health deteriorated badly due to torture and being denied medical attention. On September 25, 2011, prison authorities alerted her family members that she had died.

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Ms. Wang Mingrong, 53, Sichuan

Arrested on September 7, 2011, Ms. Wang Mingrong died from severe physical abuse around September 17, only ten days after being taken into custody. She passed away at the Xinjin Brainwashing Center (euphemistically referred to as the Chengdu City Law Education Center), an institution known to lace food with psychotropic drugs meant to severely damage the central nervous system.

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Mr. Fan Zhenguo, 50, Liaoning

Mr. Fan was abducted in July 2008 after being seen with other practitioners handing out materials that exposed human rights abuses about Falun Gong in Kazuo County. The director of the local police substation and another officer, armed with guns and electric batons, forced the practitioners’ car open, searched it, and after finding materials related to Falun Gong, took those present into custody. Fan managed to run away, but police later came and detained him from his home. He was then sentenced to eight years in prison without a trial. He was tortured for three years and died on September 11, 2011.

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Ms. Ding Zhenfang, 62, Liaoning

In July 2008, Ms. Ding Zhenfang was sentenced after a sham trial to an eight-year prison term for talking about Falun Gong. Emaciated and covered with disfiguring wounds, she died on August 1, 2011.

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